Hormone therapy can be a successful menopause treatment option. However, all hormone therapies are different, and it’s hard to know where to start. The first step is finding the right doctor. However, you’re probably wondering, will my insurance cover hormones?
What Are Hormones Anyway?
Bioidentical hormones are engineered hormones that are exact copies of the hormones already produced by your body. These hormones come in many forms, some are FDA-approved, and some are not.
Most natural and organic hormone therapies are not approved by the FDA. Many FDA-approved hormone therapies use natural hormones. Some of the most popular estrogen replacement therapies are derived from plants. Additionally, these regulated hormone replacement therapies are easily customizable, allowing you to receive the appropriate dosage. Hormone therapy relieves a variety of symptoms when it comes to menopause, including sleep issues, night sweats, and hot flashes.
How Do I Receive Hormones?
Doctors can prescribe a hormone as a pill, injection, patch, or gel. Hormones are prescribed for many reasons including, relieving the symptoms of menopause and thyroid conditions.
Will My Insurance Cover Hormones?
The answer really depends on your insurance. Sometimes, insurance will cover hormone replacement therapy with little to no out-of-pocket expense. Most If you’re a great candidate for hormones and your insurance does approve replacement therapy, it will most likely be an FDA-approved treatment. Of course, it’s always best to talk with your healthcare and insurance providers about getting approved for hormones.
Talk to the Team Who Knows About Hormone Therapy!
At Fair Oaks Women’s Center, we know all about hormone therapy and can answer all of your questions, such as will my insurance cover hormones. Our team of knowledgeable and delightful women are ready to answer all of your questions. If you’re ready to start your journey into hormone therapy, call 703-359-4842 today to set up an appointment. We believe in women helping women!