The symptoms of menopause seemingly appear out of nowhere for a lot of women, but the truth is that perimenopause, and even menopause, can start in your early 40s. So, is it just summer, the heater in the winter, or the fabric of your clothing? Give it to me straight – do I have hot flashes?
When Might I Start Experiencing the Signs of Menopause?
The term perimenopause means “around menopause.” This is the time when your body starts making the transition into menopause and signals that your body is ready to stop reproducing. Around your 40s, you’ll start to notice menstrual irregularity, sleep issues, and vaginal dryness.
Am I Experiencing Hot Flashes?
You certainly might! Unfortunately, you can start experiencing them as early as perimenopause. They are characterized as a sudden rush of heat in your upper body. Symptoms include feeling hot in your chest, neck, and face, a flushed appearance, red, blotchy skin, and a rapid heart rate. Their length and intensity vary from woman to woman.
How/Why does it happen?
A hot flash begins when the blood vessels near the surface of your skin start to widen in order to cool off. Due to hormonal changes, there isn’t a lot you can do to prevent hot flashes. However, you can make lifestyle changes to feel more comfortable when they occur. Before starting medication to address hot flashes, try drinking cold water, practicing cooling breathing techniques, and quit smoking as soon as possible.
Get Help Managing Hot Flashes at Fair Oaks Women’s Center!
If you need to speak with a medical professional about menopause, hot flashes, or any other feminine health concern, call us today at 703-359-4842 to set up an appointment for top gynecological care in Fairfax. We are here to help guide you through every stage of your life with dedicated and comprehensive health care!